The Cowboy Legend: Owen Wister's Virginian and the Canadian-American Ranching Frontier
John Jennings

Creating Citizens: History and Identity in Alberta's Schools, 1905 to1980
Amy von Heyking

Creating the Future of Health: The History of the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, 1967-2012
Robert Lampard, , David B. Hogan, , Frank W. Stahnisch,, and James R. Wright Jr.

Creative Tourism in Smaller Communities: Place, Culture, and Local Representation
Edited By Kathleen Scherf

Creativity and Science in Contemporary Argentine Literature: Between Romanticism and Formalism
Joanna Page

Crossing Over: Genomics in the Public Arena
Edited by Edna Einsiedel and, Frank Timmermans

Cultural Memories and Imagined Futures: The Art of Jane Ash Poitras
Pamela McCallum

Danger, Death, and Disaster in the Crowsnest Pass Mines 1902-1928
Karen Buckley

Dark Storm Moving West
Barbara Belyea

Decentring Work: Critical Perspectives on Leisure, Social Policy, and Human Development
Edited by Heather Mair, , Susan M. Arai, and , Donald G. Reid

Dendrite Balconies
Sean Braune

Deterrence in the 21st Century: Statecraft in the Information Age
Edited by Eric Ouellet, Madeleine D’Agata, and Keith Stewart

Developing Alberta's Oil Sands: From Karl Clark to Kyoto
Paul Chastko

Disappearing in Reverse
Allie McFarland

Diverging the Popular, Gender and Trauma AKA The Jessica Jones Anthology
Edited by Mary Grace Lao, Pree Rehal, and Jessica Bay

The Documentary Art of Filmmaker Michael Rubbo
D.B. Jones

Doing Democracy Differently: Indigenous Rights and Representation in Canada and Latin America
Roberta Rice

Doing Things the Right Way
Joan Ryan

David Bateman

Dragon Rouge
Poems by Sheri-D Wilson, Music and Production by , Steve Berlin and , Barry Reynolds

Drones, Clones, and Alpha Babes: Retrofitting Star Trek's Humanism, Post-9/11
Diana M.A. Relke

East Grand Lake
Tim Ryan