100 Years of Anne with an 'e': The Centennial Study of Anne of Green Gables
Edited by Holly Blackford

Adventures in Small Tourism: Studies and Stories
Edited by Kathleen Scherf

The African Diaspora in Canada: Negotiating Identity and Belonging
Edited by Wisdom J. Tettey and, Korbla P. Puplampu

African Wars: A Defense Intelligence Perspective
William Thom

After Appropriation: Explorations in Intercultural Philosophy and Religion
Edited by Morney Joy

Air Salt: A Trauma Mémoire as a Result of the Fall
Ian Kinney

Akak'stiman: A Blackfoot Framework for Decision-Making and Mediation Processes
Reg Crowshoe and, Sybille Manneschmidt

Alberta Formed Alberta Transformed (Vols I and II)
Edited by Michael Payne,, Donald Wetherell, and, Catherine Cavanaugh

Alequiers: The History of a Homestead
Mike Schintz

Alliance and Conflict: The World System of the Inupiaq Eskimos
Ernest S. Burch, Jr.

Always an Adventure: An Autobiography
Hugh A. Dempsey

The American Western in Canadian Literature
Joel Deshaye

The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta: A Field Guide and Primer of Boreal Herpetology
A. P. Russell and , Aaron M. Bauer with, Photographs by Wayne Lynch and, Illustrations by Irene McKinnon

An Alberta Bestiary: Animals of the Rolling Hills
Zahava Hanan

Ancestral Portraits: The Colour of My People
Frederick R. McDonald

Animal Metropolis: Histories of Human-Animal Relations in Urban Canada
Edited by Joanna Dean,, Darcy Ingram, and, Christabelle Sethna

Archaeology on the Edge: New Perspectives from the Northern Plains
Edited by Jane H. Kelley and, Brian Kooyman

Arctic Scientist, Gulag Survivor: The Biography of Mikhail Mikhailovich Ermolaev, 1905-1991
By Aleksei Mikhailovich Ermolaev and, V.D. Dibner, , Edited and Translated by William Barr

The Art of John Snow
Elizabeth Herbert

Art or Memorial?: The Forgotten History of Canada's War Art
Laura Brandon

As Long As This Land Shall Last: A History of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939
By Rene Fumoleau, , With an Epilogue by Joanne Barnaby

Ask Now of the Days that are Past
Eliezer Segal

At Home Afloat: Women on the Waters of the Pacific Northwest
Nancy Pagh