Baffin Island: Field Research and High Arctic Adventure, 1961-67
Jack D. Ives

Bearing Witness: Partition, Independence, End of the Raj
Sukeshi Kamra

Bedside and Community: 50 Years of Contributions to the Health of Albertans by the University of Calgary
Edited by Diana J. Mansell, , Frank W. Stahnisch, and , Paula Larsson

Behind the Bricks: The Life and Times of the Mohawk Institute, Canada’s Longest-Running Residential School
Edited by Richard W. Hill Sr., Alison Norman, Thomas Peace, and Jennifer Pettit

Behind the Man: John Laurie, Ruth Gorman, and the Indian Vote in Canada
Ruth Gorman, , Edited by Frits Pannekoek

Belonging Beyond Borders: Cosmopolitan Affiliations in Contemporary Spanish American Literature
Annik Bilodeau

Betrayal: Agricultural Politics in the Fifties
Herbert Schulz

Biocultural Diversity and Indigenous Ways of Knowing: Human Ecology in the Arctic
Karim-Aly S. Kassam

Bivalves: An Eon of Evolution
Edited by Paul Johnston and , James W. Haggart, , With a Forward by Stephen Jay Gould

Blackfoot Ways of Knowing: The Worldview of the Siksikaitsitapi
Betty Bastien, , Edited by Jurgen W. Kremer,, and Assisted by Duane Mistaken Chief

Blue Storm: The Rise and Fall of Jason Kenney
Edited by Duane Bratt, Richard Sutherland, and David Taras

body works
dennis cooley

Anna Veprinska

The Book of Sensations
Sheri-D Wilson

the book of sentences
rob mclennan

the book of smaller
rob mclennan

Border Flows: A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship
Edited by Lynne Heasley , and Daniel Macfarlane

Borderblur Poetics: Intermedia and Avant-Gardism in Canada, 1963-1988
Eric Schmaltz

Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North
Edited by Fikret Berkes, Rob Huebert, Helen Fast, Micheline Manseau, and Alan Diduck

Bronze Inside and Out: A Biographical Memoir of Bob Scriver
Mary Strachan Scriver

Edited by Andrew King, , Jocelyn Belisle, and , Lawrence Eisler

A Business History of Alberta
Henry C. Klassen

Calgary: City of Animals
Edited by Jim Ellis