Happy Sands
Barb Howard

Happyland: A History of the "Dirty Thirties" in Saskatchewan, 1914-1937
Curtis McManus

Harm's Way: Disasters in Western Canada
Edited by Anthony Rasporich, and Max Foran

Hearts and Minds: Canadian Romance at the Dawn of the Modern Era, 1900-1930
Dan Azoulay

The High Line Scavenger Hunt
Lucas Crawford

A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North: Terrestrial Sovereignty, 1870-1939
Gordon W. Smith, Edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer

Historical GIS Research in Canada
Edited by Jennifer Bonnell and Marcel Fortin

A History of Public Health in Alberta, 1919-2019
Lindsay McLaren, Donald W.M. Juzwishin, and Rogelio Velez Mendoza

A History of the Edmonton City Market 1900-2000: Urban Values and Urban Culture
Kathryn Chase Merrett

Home/Bodies: Geographies of Self, Place, and Space
Edited by Wendy Schissel

The Honourable Member for Vegreville: The Memoirs and Diary of Anthony Hlynka, M.P. (1940-49)
By Anthony Hlynka, Edited and Translated by Oleh W. Gerus and Denis Hlynka

How Canadians Communicate, Vol. 1
Edited by David Taras, Frits Pannekoek, and Maria Bakardjieva

How Canadians Communicate, Vol. 2: Media, Globalization and Identity
Edited by David Taras, Frits Pannekoek, and Maria Bakardjieva

How Skeptics Do Ethics: A Brief History of the Late Modern Linguistic Turn
Aubrey Neal

I Want to Tell You Love: A Critical Edition
Milton Acorn and bill bissett, Edited by Eric Schmaltz and Christopher Doody

"I Will Fear No Evil": Ojibwa-Missionary Encounters Along the Berens River, 1875-1940
Susan Elaine Gray

I Wish I Could Be Peter Falk
Paul Zits

Ice Blink: Navigating Northern Environmental History
Edited by Stephen Bocking and Brad Martin

Identification Guide to the Fossil Plants of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation of Drumheller, Alberta
Kevin Aulenback

Imperial Standard: Imperial Oil, Exxon, and the Canadian Oil Industry from 1880
Graham D. Taylor

In Singing, He Composed a Song
Jeremy Stewart

In the National Interest: Canadian Foreign Policy and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1909-2009
Edited by Greg Donaghy and Michael K. Carroll

In Those Days, At This Time: Holiness and History in the Jewish Calendar
Eliezer Segal