Canadian History and Environment
ISSN 1925-3702 (print) ISSN 1925-3710 (online)
This new series explores topical issues in Canadian history as seen through an environmental lens. It launched a partnership between the University of Calgary Press and the Network in Canadian History & Environment/Nouvelle initiative canadienne en histoire de l’environnement (NiCHE).
Series Editor: Alan MacEachern, professor, Department of History, University of Western Ontario, founding director, NiCHE: Network in Canadian History & Environment

Mountain Voices
Edited by Eric Higgs, Zac Robinson, Mary Sanseverino, and Kristen Walsh, Forward by I.S. MacLaren

Remembering Our Relations
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation with Sabina Trimble and Peter Fortna

Traces of the Animal Past
Edited by Jennifer Bonnell and Sean Kheraj

First Century of the International Joint Commission
Edited by Daniel Macfarlane and Murray Clamen

Environmental Activism on the Ground
Edited by Jonathan Clapperton and Liza Piper

Animal Metropolis: Histories of Human-Animal Relations in Urban Canada
Edited by Joanna Dean,, Darcy Ingram, and, Christabelle Sethna

Ice Blink: Navigating Northern Environmental History
Edited by Stephen Bocking and Brad Martin

Border Flows: A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship
Edited by Lynne Heasley , and Daniel Macfarlane

Moving Natures: Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History
Edited by Ben Bradley, Jay Young, and Colin M. Coates

Canadian Countercultures and the Environment
Edited by Colin M. Coates

Mining and Communities in Northern Canada: History, Politics, and Memory
Edited by Arn Keeling and John Sandlos

Historical GIS Research in Canada
Edited by Jennifer Bonnell and Marcel Fortin

Century of Parks Canada, 1911-2011
Edited by Claire Campbell