Exam and Desk Copies
Exam Copies
The University of Calgary Press is pleased to provide examination copies to faculty teaching at universities, colleges, and educational institutions who are considering our titles for classroom adoption.
Requests may be submitted to by email to ucpbooks@ucalgary.ca, or by mail to The University of Calgary Press, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary AB, T2N 1N4.
Please include the following information with your examination copy request:
- Your name, academic rank, department, and institution.
- The course name and number for which the book will be considered.
- The start date, frequency, and expected enrolment of the course for which the book will be considered.
- The text currently assigned to the course, and whether it is optional, suggested, or required.
- The title of the book you would like to receive as an exam copy for consideration for this course.
- Whether, if the book is adopted, it will be optional, suggested, or required.
The Press may not be able to provide physical exam copies for all titles. In these cases, we will be happy to send the book in your choice of ePub or PDF format.
Course orders may be placed through university or college bookstores. Orders originating in Canada will be fulfilled by University of Toronto Press Distribution, in the United States by LongLeaf Services, and in the Uk, Continental Europe, Middle Eas, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean by Eurospan Inc.
Desk Copies
The University of Calgary Press is pleased to provide a complimentary desk copies to instructors who adopt our titles for course use.
To arrange for your desk copy, please contact us by email to ucpbooks@ucalgary.ca, or by mail to The University of Calgary Press, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary AB, T2N 1N4.
Please include the following information in your desk copy request:
- Your name, academic rank, department, and institution.
- The course name and number for which the book has been adopted.
- The start date and expected enrolment of the course for which the book has been adopted.
- The title of the adopted book.
- Whether the book is optional, recommended, or required.
- The date your university bookstore placed an order for the book, or other proof of course adoption.