BSPS Open is an international book series for monographs in the philosophy of science produced in collaboration by the British Society for the Philosophy of Science and the University of Calgary Press.
We believe that scholarly ideas should be freely accessible to everyone, and that scholars should not have to pay to spread these ideas. That is why BSPS Open has adopted a ground-breaking “Open Access Diamond” model that sets a new standard for equality and access. All BSPS Open books are published under a BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license that allows free publication of the PDF anywhere online, in addition to for-purchase print and digital formats. And, this service is absolutely free to our authors: selections are made only on the basis of scholarly merit, and not the ability to pay Open Access fees.
Editorial Chair
Helen Beebee, Samuel Hall Professor of Philosophy, University of Manchester
Editors in Chief
Bryan W. Roberts, Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science, London School of Economics and Political Science.
David Teira, Professor, Sorbonne Université
Submit to BSPS Open
BSPS Open accepts submissions of cutting edge research monographs from all areas of the philosophy of science. To submit a manuscript, please send the following in an email with the subject SUBMISSION to bspsopen@thebsps.org:
- A Completed BSPS Prospectus Form, Including
- Author Attachment (See Prospectus Section 3)
- Manuscript Attachment (See Prospectus Section 4)
Please note that BSPS Open does not publish textbooks, handbooks, or collected volumes.
The Editorial Process
All submissions should receive confirmation within 5 business days. If you have not received a response by then, please send a follow-up message so we may confirm your submission has been safely received. BSPS Open maintains the highest standards of scholarly peer review from a world-class Editorial Board. The Editorial Process is expected to take four months; we are grateful for your patience.
The Editorial Team
Editorial Chair
- Helen Beebee, University of Manchester
Editors in Chief
- Bryan W. Roberts, London School of Economics and Political Science
- David Teira, Sorbonne Université
BSPS Representatives
- Adrian Currie, University of Exeter
- Kirsten Walsh, University of Exeter
Press Liaison
- C. Kenneth Waters, University of Calgary
Editorial Board
- Alexander Bird, University of Cambridge
- Anjan Chakravartty, University of Miami
- Hasok Chang, University of Cambridge
- Mazviita Chirimuuta, University of Edinburgh
- Doreen Fraser, University of Waterloo
- Dana Jalobeanu, University of Bucharest
- Harold Kincaid, University of Capetown
- Martin Kusch, University of Vienna
- Elaine Landry, University of California, Davis
- Sabina Leonelli, University of Exeter
- Christian List, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Michela Massimi, University of Edinburgh
- Samir Okasha, University of Bristol
- Richard Pettigrew, University of Bristol
- Miriam Solomon, Temple University
- C Kenneth Waters, University of Calgary
- Alison Wylie, University of British Columbia