image of the book cover of Book of Sensations

The Book of Sensations

Sheri-D Wilson

18.95 CAD / $18.95 USD (T)

128 pages, 9 illustrations

6 x 9 inches

Hardback: 1552389189

Paperback: 978-1-55238-918-8

Epub: 978-1-55238-920-1

Library PDF: 978-1-55238-919-5

February 2017

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A book of poetry that celebrates language in its fullness and all its forms, written by a poet with a passion for language and the sensations of the world.

The Book of Sensations by Sheri-D Wilson embodies an intricate ecosystem of language and feeling. These poems reach their roots down into the depths of what it means to be—to connect to one another, and to connect to the earth.

With fine-tuned vocabulary, far-reaching observation, and the dream-vision of the surrealist eye, Sheri-D delves into the personal and the universal, the everyday and the mythical. This book is full of poignant sensations and astonishing realizations. This is a book of life and experience. Put it in your pocket and immerse yourself in a world of sensations.

Sheri-D Wilson is the award-winning author of eleven books, the creator of four short films, and has released three albums which combine music and poetry. Her collection, Re:Zoom won the 2006 Stephan G. Stephansson Award for Poetry and was shortlisted for the CanLit Award.

Sheri-D Wilson turns language on its head, exuberantly coining new words that seem absolutely necessary—like arborolatry (a great word for idolizing trees). Her mastery of sound is hypnotic. 

—Kerry Clare, 49th Shelf 

Wilson is clearly a reader who loves the taste and feel of words on her tongue as they rumble in her mouth, and bounce on the tympanum of the ear . . . The Book of Sensations is an interesting read; what poet wouldn’t want to get carried away in a conversation about sensations of language?

—Beth Everest, Freefall Magazine

Language is the essence of being human
Poetry is the essence of language
And Sheri-D Wilson is the essence of essence

—Bob Holman, poet, founder of the Bowery Poetry Club

Books, books, books—why won’t they leave me alone? I can’t sleep because I have too many books, I can’t make love, I can’t eat, I can’t move to a smaller house because I have too many books. If the megathrust earthquake strikes the West Coast, I’ll be flattened by falling books.

—Lorna Crozier, poet, Governor General’s Award winner