image of the book cover of Parks, Peace, and Partnership: Global Initiatives in Transboundary Conservation

Parks, Peace, and Partnership: Global Initiatives in Transboundary Conservation

Edited by Michael S. Quinn, Len Broberg, and Wayne Freimund

$39.95 CAD / $45.95 USD

400 pages pages, 22 illustrations

6 x 9 inches

Paperback: 978-1-55238-642-2

Epub: 978-1-55238-645-3

Library PDF: 978-1-55238-644-6

December 2012

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Park managers, biologists, scientists, and scholars come together to reflect on the solutions and challenges of managing biodiverse regions across geo-political boundaries and borders.

Today, over 3,000 protected areas around the world contribute to the protection of biodiversity, peaceful relations between neighbouring countries, and the well-being of people living in and around the protected environs. Historical and geo-political constraints are disappearing in a new spirit of collaboration to address common issues confronting ecosystems, species, and communities. Managing across boundaries is seen as the only way to ensure the long-term viability of ecological systems and sustainable communities.

Current international thinking in this area is reflected in this collection of essays by park managers, biologists, scholars, scientists, and researchers. From Waterton-Glacier International Park to the European Alps, and Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia, Parks, Peace, and Partnership provide illustrative examples of the challenges and new solutions that are emerging around the world.

With Contributions By: David A. Mihalic, Peter Jacobs, Gillian Anderson, Betty Weiler, Jennifer Laing, Susan A. Moore, Angeles Mendoza Sammet, Michael S. Quinn, J. Todd Walters, David Mabunda, Freek Venter, Danie Pienaar, Piet Theron, Michael L. Schoon, Goetz Scherholz, Rolf D. Baldus, Bartolomeu Soto, Kevan Zunckel, Len Broberg, Wayne Friemund, Robert Fincham, Theresa Sowry, Kent L. Biringer, K.C. Cariappa, Hall Healy, Animesh Sarkar, Milindo Chakrabarti, Charles C. Chester, Belinda Sifford, Lynda H. Schneekloth, Kerry Mitchell, Patrick Robson, and Robert G. Shibley

Michael S. Quinn is the Director and Talisman Energy Chair of Environmental Sustainability at the Institute for Environmental Sustainability, Mount Royal University.

Len Broberg is the Director of the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Montana.

Wayne Freimund is the Director of the Wilderness Institute and a Professor in the College of Forestry and Conservation at the University of Montana.

Nikita Lopoukhine


Michael S. Quinn

Section 1: Lessons from the Field

Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park: Observations and Retrospection on Cooperation Issues
David A. Mihalic

Enhancing Connectivity through Cooperative Management: Lessons Learned from Twenty-One Years of Transboundary Programs in the Australian Alps
Peter Jacobs and Gillian Anderson

The Australian Alps Transboundary Partnership: Analyzing its Success as a Tourism/Protected Area Partnership
Betty Weiler, Jennifer Laing, and Susan A. Moore

Transboundary Protection of Mont Blank: Twenty Years of Tri-National Negotiation around the Roof of the European Alps
Barbara Ehringhaus

On the Edge: Influencing Conservation and Management in Two Border Mexican Parks
Angeles Mendoza Sammet and Michael S. Quinn

Environmental Peace-building in Peru and Bolivia: The Collaboration Framework for Lago de Titicaca
J. Todd Walters

Section 1: The Southern African Experience

Transfrontier Conservation Areas: The Southern African Experience
David Mabunda, Freek Venter, Danie Pienaar, and Piet Theron

Building Robustness to Disturbance: Governance in Southern African Peace parks
Michael L. Schoon

Community-based Wildlife Management in Support of Transfrontier Conservation: The Selous-Niassa and Kawango Upper Zambezi Challenges
Goets Zchuerholz and Rolf D Baldus

Fast-Track Strengthening of the Management Capacity of Conservation Institutions: The Case of the Effect of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park in Mozambique’s Capacity
Bartolomeu Soto

The Maloti Drakensberg Transfrontier Conservation and Development Project: A Cooperative Initiative Between Lesotho and South Africa
Kevan Zunckel

Section 3: Education and International Pace Parks

Transboundary Environmental Education: A Graduate Program Case Study
Len Broberg and Michael S. Quinn

Transboundary Conservation Management, Research, and Learning: A South African and United States Perspective
Wayne Freimund and Robert Fincham

Successes and Challenges that Face a Peace Park’s Training
Theresa Sowry

Section 4: Peace Park Proposals

The Siachen Peace Park Proposal: Reconfiguring the Kashmir Conflict?
Kent L. Biringer and K.C. Cariappa

Korean Demilitarized Zone Peace and Nature Park
Hall Healy

Feasibility of a Corridor between Singhalia National Park and Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary: A Study of Five Villages Between Poobon and 14th Mile Village
Animesh Sarkar and Milindo Chakrabarti

Under the Penumbra of Waterton-Glacier and Homeland Security: Could a Peace Park Appear along the US-Mexican Border?
Charles C. Chestser and Belinda Sifford

The Niagara International Peace Park: A Proposal
Lynda H. Schneekloth, Kerry Mitchell, Patrick Robson, and Robert G. Shibley

Notes on Contributors