image of the book cover of John C. Parkin, Archives and Photography: Reflections on the Practice and Presentation of Modern Architecture

John C. Parkin, Archives and Photography: Reflections on the Practice and Presentation of Modern Architecture

Linda Fraser, Michael McMordie, and Geoffrey Simmins

$49.95 CAD / $59.95 USD (T)

176 pages, 71 illustrations

11 x 8.5 inches

Paperback: 978-1-55238-638-5

Epub: 978-1-55238-641-5

Library PDF: 978-1-55238-640-8

November 2013

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Discover the exciting world of Canadian architecture in in the twentieth century in this richly illustrated exploration of one influential, highly successful, architectural firm.

Architectural practice in post-World War II Canada brought substantial change to the face of the Canadian built environment, led by the contribution of John C. Parkin. As senior partner at the Toronto-based architectural firm John B. Parkin Associates (no relation) from 1947 to the 1970s, Parkin oversaw the creation of a large number of modernist projects, including hospitals, airports, schools, shopping malls, and factories, and received national recognition for his contributions.

This richly illustrated book includes an interview with John C. Parkin and essays that examine the incorporation of art in built architecture, the influence of architectural photography in defining Modern architecture to a Canadian public, the importance of architectural archives, and the corporate structure of a large, highly successful Canadian architectural firm.

Linda Fraser is the Archivist and Chief Curator of the Canadian Architectural Archives.

Michael McMordie is a Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary and former Director of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program. He has written numerous articles on architecture and environmental design.

Geoffrey Simmins has published numerous articles and books on Canadian architecture as well as curating exhibitions and writing video scripts.

List of Illustrations

John C. Parkin: The Image of a Modern Architect
Geoffrey Simmins

The Design of an Architect—Collaborative and Corporatist in Practice, Artistic in Orientation

Geoffrey Simmins

Mid–Century Icons: Architectural Photography from the Panda Collection
Linda Fraser and Geoffrey Simmins

John B. Parkin Associates Archive at the Canadian Architectural Archives
Linda Fraser

John C. Parkin in Conversation with Miechael McMordie
Transcribed by Julie Sribney and Annotated by John C. Parkin
With Biographical Details Provided by Geoffrey Simmins

Selected Biblography


SHORTLISTED, ARLIS/NA Melva J. Dwyer Award | 2014