Spirit Matters: Ron (Gyo-zo) Spickett, Artist, Poet, Priest
Geoffrey Simmins
$39.95 CAD / $45.95 USD
224 pages, 71 illustrations
Paperback: 978-1-55238-255-4
Library PDF: 978-1-55238-507-4
August 2009
A fascinating study of the work of artist Ronald Spikket, known today by his Buddhist name of Gyo-Zo, blending critical reflections with insights drawn from interviews and the artist’s own personal and professional writing.
Ronald Spickett (1926- ) is a Calgary-based artist, poet, and Zen Buddhist lay priest. During his long career, he also taught studio art, both at the Alberta College of Art and Design and at the University of Calgary. Today, Ronald Spickett, also known by his Buddhist name of Gyo-Zo, is best known for a series of ambitious paintings he executed during the 1960s, paintings with Western themes such as posses and riders. However, the scope of Spickett’s work proved to be much more diverse and includes genre paintings, landscapes, non-representational paintings, sculptures, and paintings with religious and spiritual themes.
The artist’s work, as Simmins’ study shows, is not easily pigeon-holed; Spickett is more than a Western artist, more than a Buddhist artist, more than simply the sum of his paintings. Rather, Simmins argues, he is an “ideas-based” artist whose work reveals complexities and undercurrents that link him with the prevailing artistic currents of his times, yet also testify to his originality and unique style.
Simmins was granted complete access to the artist’s personal and professional papers and interviewed him on numerous occasions. Thus the artist’s own statements on his life and work make an invaluable contribution to Spirit Matters, and are considered alongside critical writings, broader studies in Canadian art history, and still larger currents in Canadian artistic and intellectual life.
Geoffrey Simmins is Associate Dean, Research, Planning, and Infrastructure, in the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Arts. His publications include both contemporary and historical books, exhibition catalogues, numerous encyclopedia articles, and videos on Canadian art and architectural history.
List of Illustrations
List of Colour Plates
Chapter 1. Portrait of the Artist as Family Man
Chapter 2. Portrait of the Artist as Artist
Chapter 3. Portrait of the Artist as Buddhist Lay-Priest and Poet
Chapter 4. Portrait of the Artist as Teacher
Appendix: Interview between Gyo-Zo and Helena Hadla
Elected Exhibition
A great art book.
—Anthony J. Sullivan, Amazon