Transboundary Policy Challenges in the Pacific Border Regions of North America
Edited by James Loucky, Donald K. Alper, and J.C. Day
$34.95 CAD / $34.95 USD
352 pages, 39 illustrations
6 x 9 inches
Paperback: 978-1-55238-223-3
Library PDF: 978-1-55238-463-3
December 2007
Intricate and interrelated social, economic, and environmental concerns across boundaries require innovative solutions and present unique challenges to environmental protection, restoration, and education.
Transboundary Policy Challenges responds to a growing interest in borderlands environmental policy by highlighting significant transboundary research and practices being undertaken within and across the Pacific border regions of North America.
The issues explored here reveal how intricate and interrelated social, economic, and environmental concerns have become, particularly along borders, as Canada, Mexico, and the United States collectively search for sustainable solutions. Growing concern about the seriousness of environmental problems, particularly in high-growth border areas, coupled with the rising awareness of the complexities entailed in wise development decisions, has spurred recognition that new realities require new responses.
Critical for effective environmental protection, restoration, and education is a sharing of understanding and effort across borders. Transboundary Policy Challenges highlights advances in transborder environmental research and discusses sensible policy directions with particular focus on critical areas of international concern and engagement: land and water use planning; regional growth management; trade and transportation corridors; environmental education; and travel and tourism.
With Contributions By: J.C. Day, James Loucky, Donald K. Alper, Cristóbal Mendoza, Alejandro Díaz-Bautista, Krista Martinez, Preston L. Schiller, David A. Fraser, K.S. Calbick, Jose Luis Castro-Ruíz, Vicente Sanchez-Munguía, Emma Spenner Norman, Jean O. Melious, Duncan Knowler, Petíer Williams, Salvador Garcia-Martinez, John M. Munro, Warren G. Gill, Hugh O’Reilley, Tina Symko, Martin Medina, and John C. Miles
James Loucky is a professor of anthropology at Western Washington University. He specializes in Latin American affairs, international migration, and intercultural education.
Donald Alper is a professor in the Department of Political Science at Western Washington University. He is also director of the Border Policy Research Institute and of the Center for Canadian-American Studies at WWU.
Chad Day is professor emeritus, School of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University. He specializes in water and land management, environmental impact assessment, and sustainable development.
Policy Challenges in North America’s Pacific Border Regions: An Overview
J.C. Day, James Loucky, and Donald K. Alper
Pacific Borders, Discordant Borders: Where North America Edges Together
James Louky and Donald K. Alper
Recent Trends in Mexico-US Border Demographics
Cristobal Mendoza and James Loucky
Energy Policy and Economic Growth in the Pacific Border Regions of North America
Alejando Diaz-Batuista, Donald K. Alper, and Krista Martinez
Connections within the Western US-Canada Border Region: Towards More Sustainable Transportation Practices
Preston L. Schiller
Transboundary Ecosystem Management on the Canada-US Border: Organizing for Suitability in the Georgia Basin-Puget Sound Bioregion
J.C. Day and K.S. Calbick
Water Management in the San Diego-Tijuana Region: What Lessons Can Be Learned?
Jose Luis Castro-Ruiz and Vicente Sanchez-Munguia
Hidden Waters: The Role of Local Communities in Transboundary Environmental Management across the Forty-Ninth Parallel
Emma Spenner Norman and Jean O. Melious
Community-Based Management of Grey Whale Ecotourism in Baja California Sur, Mexico
Duncan Knowler, Peter Williams, and Salvador Garcia-Martinez
Environmental Education on the US-Mexico Border: Challenges and Opportunities in Tijuana/San Diego
Martin Medina
Environmental Education in Cascadia
John C. Miles
This book provides a wealth of information and a good starting point from which to continue the exploration of cross-border environmental problems… Transboundary Policy Challenges in the Pacific Border Regions of North America is a fine read and I highly recommend it.
—Leslie R. Alm, International Journal