Relocating Identities in Latin American Cultures
Edited by Elizabeth Montes Garces
$39.95 CAD / $39.95 USD
282 pages, 15 illustrations
6 x 9 inches
Paperback: 978-1-55238-209-7
Library PDF: 978-1-55238-440-4
February 2007
Literature and other forms of cultural expression provide unprecedented insight into perpetually changing notions of Latin American identity in this fascinating collection that explores a wide breadth of genres and topics.
Relocating Identities in Latin American Cultures explores the perpetually changing notion of Latin American identity, particularly as illustrated in literature and other forms of cultural expression. Editor Elizabeth Montes Garcés has gathered contributions from specialists who examine the effects of such major phenomena as migration, globalization, and gender on the construct of Latin American identities, and, as such, are reshaping the traditional understanding of Latin America’s cultural history.
The contributors to this volume are experts in Latin American literature and culture. Covering a diverse range of genres from poetry to film, their essays explore themes such as feminism, deconstruction, and postcolonial theory as they are reflected in the Latin American cultural milieu.
With Contributions By: Elizabeth Montes Garcés, Norman Cheadle, Richard Young, Luis Torres, Mercedes Rowinsky-Guerts, Myriam Osorio, Nayibe Bermúdez Barrios, Rita De Grandis, Catherine Den Tandt, Paola Hernández, and Claudine Potvin
Elizabeth Montes Garcés is an associate professor in the Department of French, Italian and Spanish at the University of Calgary. Her area of expertise is Latin American women’s writing. She has published El cuestionamiento de los mecanismos de representación en la novel’stica de Fanny Buitrago and several articles on Latin American female writers. She was the secretary of the Canadian Association of Hispanists from 2003 to 2005.
Elizabeth Montes Garces
Cities and Identities at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Twentieth-Century homo bonarense: The Buenos Aires "Man-in-the-Stree" in Raul Scalabrini Ortize and Lopoldo Marachel
Norman Cheadle
Urban Identity: Buenos Aires and the French Connection
Richard Young
Exile and Identity
Exile and Community
Luis Torres
Exile and the Search for Identity
Mercedes Rowinsky-Guerts
Re-readings of Gender Representation
Retracing GEnaeology: Mothers and Daughters in Las andariengas by Albalucia Angel
Myriam Osorio
Redefining Identities in Elena Garro’s "La culpa es de los tlaxcaltecas"
Elzabeth Montes Garces
Miroslava by Alejandro Pelayo: Negotiated Adaptation and the (Trans)National Gendered Subject
Nayibe Bermudez Barrios
Literature and Globalization
The Latin American Intellectual Redefining Identity: Nestor Garcia Canclini’s Latinoamericanos buscado lugar e nest siglo
Rita De Grandis
Sirena Wears Her Sadness Like a Beautiful Dress: Literature and Globalization in Latin America
Paola Hernandez
To Be or Not To Be: Gambling Identities
Claudine Potvin