Alberta Formed Alberta Transformed (Vols I and II)
Edited by Michael Payne,, Donald Wetherell, and, Catherine Cavanaugh
$100.00 CAD / $113.95 USD (S)
840 pages, 285 illustrations
8 x 10 inches
Hardback: 978-1-55238-196-0
Hardback: 155238196X
April 2006
12 000 years of Alberta history as told by Alberta’s top scholars in a landmark collection of accessible, highly informative essays. This stunning two-volume set is richly illustrated with archival images and bound in handsome embossed hardcover.
To celebrate Alberta’s centennial, the University of Alberta Press and the University of Calgary Press created Alberta Formed—Alberta Transformed, a two-volume set spanning a remarkable 12,000 years of history and showcasing the work of thirty-four of Alberta’s most respected scholars.
Volume 1 sets the stage—from human beginnings in Alberta—to the eve of Alberta’s inauguration as a province in 1905, while Volume 2 takes readers through the twentieth century and up to the 2005 centennial. Edited by provincial historian Michael Payne, along with Donald Wetherell and Catherine Cavanaugh, Alberta Formed—Alberta Transformed consists of thirty distinctive and richly illustrated essays representing a wide range of voices and points of view.
Moving beyond straightforward commemorative history, the contributors often tackle contentious issues and question previous, more conventional approaches and assumptions. Each essay represents a snapshot in time, focusing on a person, a trend, or an event that has played a significant part in shaping the vibrant, often surprising and sometimes raucous, story of Alberta.
With Contributions By: Alwaynne B. Beaudoin, Ted Binnema, David Breen, David Bright, Brian Calliou, Sarah Carter, Catherine Cavanaugh, Duff Crerar, Hugh A. Dempsey, Heather Devine, Herb Emery, Gerhard J. Ens, Roger Epp, Alvin Finkel, Max Foran, David Hall, Walter Hildebrandt, John W. Ives, David C. Jones, Patricia Myers, Tammy Nemeth, Gerald A. Oetlaar, Frits Pannekoek, Michael Payne, Trevor Peck, Bradford J. Rennie, Donald B. Smith, Francis Swyripa, J. Rod Vickers, Bill Waiser, Donald Wetherell, and Eldon Yellowhorn
About the Editors:
Michael Payne has served as the provincial historian with Alberta Community Development.
Donald Wetherell is professor of Heritage Resources Management at Athabasca University
Catherine Cavanaugh is an associate professor in the History and Women’s Studies departments at Athabasca University.
Volume One
13001 Years Ago: Human Beginnings in Alberta
John W Ives
The Day the Dry Snow Fell: The Record of a 7, 627–year–old Disaster
Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Gerald A. Oetelaar
Buffalo and Dogs: The Prehistoric Lifeways of Aboriginal People on the Alberta Plains, 1004–1005
Trevor Peck and J. Rod Vickers
The Never–Ending Journey of Anthony Henday
Eldon Yellowhorn
"With Tears, Shrieks and Howlings of Despair": The Smallpox Expidemic of 1781–1782
Ted Binnema
Fatal Quarrels and Fur Trade Rivalries: A Year of Living Dangerously on the North Saskatchewan 1806–7
Gerhard J. Ens
"Economy Must Now Be the Order of the Day": George Simpson and the Reorganization of the Fur Trade to 1826
Heather Devine
"On the Edge of the Great Transformation 1857–58
Frits Pannekoek
1879: A Year of Violence and Change
Hugh A. Dempsey
"A Better Life with Honour": Treaty 6 (1876) and Treaty 7 (1877) with Alberta First Nations
Sarah Carter and Walter Hildebrandt
Too Many Sacred People: Alberta and the 1885 North–West Rebellion
Bill Waiser
1899 and the Political Economy of Canada’s North–West: Treaty 8 as Compact to
Share and Peacefully Co–Exist
Brain Calliou
1904–1905: Alberta Proclaimed
David Hall
Volume Two
The Dance of the Grizzly Bear: Boom to Bust, 1912–13
David C. Jones
Enthusiasm to Embattled: 1916 and the Great War
Duff Crerar
1919: "A year of Extraordinary Delight"
David Bright
From Idealism to Pragmatism: 1923 in Alberta
Bradford J. Rennie
1929: "Things Are Seldom What They Seem"
Donald B. Smith
1935: The Social Credit Revolution
Alvin Finkel
1945: Ghosts and Dreams
Patricia Myers
1947: The Making of Modern Alberta
David Breen
1951—Celebrating Together, Celebrating Apart: Albertans and their Golden Jubilee
Frances Swyripa
1967: Embracing the Future . . . At Arm’s Length
Max Foran
Alberta’s Quiet Revolution: 1973 and the Early Lougheed Years
James H. Marsh
1980: Duel of the Decade
Tammy Nemeth
1986: The Bloom Comes Off the Wild Rose Province
Herb Emery
1996—Two Albertas: Rural and Urban Trajectories
Roger Epp
Looking Back on Alberta History: Reflections in a Rear–View Mirror
Michael Payne, Donald Wetherell, and Catherine Cavanaugh
WINNER, BPAA Alberta Book Publishing Award for Book Design | 2007
SHORTLISTED, BPAA Alberta Book Publishing Award for Book Illustration | 2007
SHORTLISTED, BPAA Alberta Book Publishing Award - Scholarly Book of the Year | 2007