Crossing Over: Genomics in the Public Arena
Edited by Edna Einsiedel and, Frank Timmermans
$39.95 CAD / $39.95 USD (S)
268 pages, 29 illustrations
6 x 9 inches
Hardback: 1552381919
Paperback: 978-1-55238-191-5
Library PDF: 978-1-55238-322-3
December 2005
A wide-ranging collection that addresses key questions about issues of ethics, sustainability, media, government, and regulation around the new biology, particularly genomics and biotechonology.
Technologies of the life sciences offer tremendous possibilities but also numerous challenges. Crossing Over looks at the social and ethical issues around the new biology, particularly genomics and biotechnology. It examines the world of biotechnology from different perspectives, including economics, law, communications, the sciences, and bioethics.
The contributors to this volume respond to questions such as: How will we ensure technologies adopted in genomics research are not just economically beneficial but also socially and environmentally sustainable? What is the impact of the media on the development of these technologies? What are the ethical implications? What governance arrangements are appropriate? How are citizens and consumers expected to participate?
Crossing Over‘s interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of biotechnology in society will ultimately contribute to our overall understanding of this hot-button issue and will help us make better-informed choices for the future.
With Contributions By: Wiktor Adamowicz, Gardar Árnason, Tania M. Bubela, Michael M. Burgess, Timothy Caulfield, Celeste M.Condit, Robin Downey, Edna Einsidel, Usher Fleising, Rose Geransar, Béatrice Godard, Linda Goldenberg, Wuyang Hu, Anne Hünnemeyer, Lyne Létorneau, Charles Mather, Michael D. Metha, Peter W.B. Phillips, Helge Torgersen, Jon Turney, and Michelle Veeman
Edna Einsiedel is University Professor and Professor of Communications Studies in the Department of Communication and Culture at the University of Calgary. She has been a member of numerous policy committees and written on biotechnology for the Canadian government.
Frank Timmermans is a research assistant at the University of Calgary.
Edna Einsiedel
Part 1: The Financial Pipeline
The Challenge of Creating, Protecting, and Exploiting Networked Knowledge
Peter W.B. Phillips
From Bank to Bench to Pharmacy Shelf: Biotechnology and the Culture of Finance
Usher Fleising and Charles Mather
Part 2: Policies and Publics
Agricultural Biotechnology in Europe at the Crossroads
Helge Torgersen
Angels of Vision: Stakeholders and Human Embryonic Stem Cell Policy Development
Robin Downey, Rose Geransar, and Edna Einsiedel
Part 3: From Public Percetpion to Public Participation – Consumer Choice and Dicision–Making
Involving Communities: A Matter of Trust and Communication
Béatrice Godard
Canadian Attitudes to Genetically Modified Food
Michelle Veeman, Wiktor Adamowicz, Wuyang Hu, and Anne Hünnemeyer
Part 4: Framing the Gene – The Media Sphere
Media Representations of Genetic Research
Tania M. Bubela and Timothy Caulfield
Lay People Actively Process Messages About Genetics
Celeste M. Codit
Telling Technological Tales: The Media and the Evolution of Biotechnology
Edna Einsiedel
Part 5: Second Thoughts – Ethical Issues
Ethical Analysis of Representation in the Governance of Biotechnology
Michael M. Burgess
The Regulation of Animal Biotechnology: At the Crossroads of Law and Ethics
Lyne Létourneau
Second Thoughts on Biobanks: The Icelandic Experience
Gardar Árnason
Part 6: Reflections Beyond the Here and Now
In Search of Nanoscale Economics: Intellectual Property and Nano–Mercantilism in the Pre–Assembler and Assembler Stages of Nanotechnology
Michael D. Metha and Linda Goldenberg
Inhuman, Superhuman, or Posthuman?
Jon Turney
Part 7: Conclusions
The Future of Genomics
Peter W.B. Phillips and Edna Einsiedel