Current Authors
The Production Process
Once your manuscript has been approved for publication we will begin the production process. Our editor will work with you to set a production schedule. Consider this schedule carefully. If you feel you may need additional time for any step, let us know. Please be realistic about your commitments. Once the production schedule has been set any significant deadline changes or missed deadlines will delay your book, and cause significant issues
Copy Editing
Your work will be assigned to an expert editor based on the subject, topics, and requirements of the book. Our copy editors ensure that UCalgary Press style is implemented, correct errors in spelling and grammar, ensure that tables, photos, and visual elements are presented clearly, and identify and query items that should be checked for accuracy, such bibliographic entries, the names of people and places, titles, etc.
Author Response to Editorial Queries
Once copy editing is completed, you will receive a copy of the manuscript so that any editorial queries can be answered and any editorial suggestions considered. It is important to review the manuscript carefully as this is your last opportunity to improve the text. All final images with permissions must be submitted at this time.
Cover Design
Our award-winning designer will work with you to create a fantastic cover for your book. Although we will always listen to your comments, we reserve the final decision on matters of design.
Typesetting and Book Design
Once you have returned your approved manuscript, it will proceed to typesetting and design. Our award-winning designer will create the look and feel of your book. Manuscripts for typesetting should not include styles, formatting, or layout, even if these elements are a significant part of your book. Our designer will listen closely to your comments and take them into careful consideration during the design process.
It is important to have all changes finalized and all final images submitted before the manuscript is typeset. Any significant changes after typesetting may affect pagination, which in turn requires additional design time and will delay your book.
Academic authors and editors will be asked to provide an index. You may prepare the index yourself, or you may hire an indexer. If you have any questions about this process, our editorial coordinator will be able to provide direction.
You will receive typeset pages for proofreading as soon as they are available. Please proofread carefully. Page proofs will be reviewed by press staff, but it is the responsibility of authors and editors to ensure that the work is correct.
Printing and Publication
Once any last corrections have been made and the final proofs approved, your book will be sent to the printer. Your book will be printed ahead of its publication date to allow physical copies to move through the supply chain and the book to be available in bookstores on its publication date.
Marketing and Beyond
Our marketing specialist will work with you to bring your book to the world. From engaging copy and a fantastic title to placing your book with top-flight reviewers and submitting to prestigious awards, we are excited to promote your book to it’s best audience.