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Space and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology

Edited by Elizabeth C. Robertson, Jeffrey D. Seibert, Deepika C. Fernandez, and Marc U. Zender

$49.95 CAD / $49.95 USD

430 pages, 209 illustrations

Paperback: 978-1-55238-168-7

Library PDF: 978-1-55238-453-4

May 2006

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A broad range of methodological and theoretical approaches to spatial archeology, reflecting its roots and approaches while looking forward to new innovations in the field.

Space and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology is made up of thirty-seven contributions based on and developed from papers presented at the 2001 Chacmool Conference, An Odyssey of Space, one of the first and largest meetings to focus on this increasingly important aspect of archaeological research.

The papers discuss studies undertaken in a number of different archaeological settings and incorporate a broad range of methodological and theoretical approaches to spatial analysis. They reflect the roots of spatial archaeology in approaches such as settlement pattern analysis and also look at innovative new directions in the field, such as landscape archaeology and space syntax studies.

This range of focus provides a valuable snapshot of the state of spatial research in archaeology as it enters the twenty-first century and reflects its increasing breadth and popularity among archaeological researchers.

With Contributions By:  Kathryn V. Reese-Taylor, Elizabeth C. Robertson, Jeffrey D. Siebert, Deepika C. Fernandez, Marc U. Zender, Jeffrey Siebert, Mary Ann Owoc, Karen G. Holmberg, Travis W. Stanton, Scott R. Hutson, Elizabeth A. Bagwell, Pamela L. Geller, S.M. Cachel, J.W.K Harris, Hasken Greenfield, Len O. van Schalkwyk, Tina Jongsma, Arthur A. Joyce, William D. Ganzman, H. Stanley Loten, Kevin D. Fischer, Carolyn Aslan, Allan L. Maca, Mark B. Child, Peter C. Dawson, Martin Lominy, Denise Fay Brown, Annegrete Hohmann-Vogrin, Gyles Innanone, Ana Nives, Christine Schryer, Georgios Vavouranakis, Elizabeth R. Arnold, Haskel J. Greenfield, C. Vance Haynes Jr., Graeme Barker, Patrick Daly, Paul Newson, Heather M-L Miller, Olivia Ng, Paul L. Cackler, Randall Law, Jennifer E. Gates, Mark Schwartz, David Hollander, Sharisse D. McCafferty, Geoffrey G. McCafferty, Penelope M. Allison, Michele Mae Bernatz, Rex Koontz, and Carole L. Crumley 

Elizabeth C. Robertson is an assistant professor in the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Saskatchewan. She has worked on archaeological research projects in Canada, Pakistan, Honduras, and Mozambique.

Jeffrey D. Seibert is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Calgary. He has worked on archaeological research projects in Canada, Belize, and Guatemala.

Deepika C. Fernandez received her MA in Archaeology from the University of Calgary, with a research focus on the zooarchaeology of sites in southern Mexico.

Marc U. Zender is a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University’s Peabody Museum. His research interests include Mesoamerican archaeology, historical linguistics, and comparative writing systems. 

Kathryn V. Reese-Taylor

Elizabeth C. Robertson, Jeffrey D. Siebert, Deepika C. Fernandez, and Marc U. Zender

Jeffrey Seibert

Part I: Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches

Beyond Geoarchaeology: Pragmatist Explorations of Alternative Viewscapes in the British Bronze Age and Beyond
Mary Ann Owoc

Perceptions of Landscapes in Uncertain Times: Chunchucmil, Yucatan , Mexico and the Volcan Baru, Panama
Karen G. Holmberg, Travis W. Stanton, and Scott R. Hutson

Specialization, Social Complexity, and Vernacular Architecture: A Cross-Cultural Stud of Space Construction
Elizabeth A. Bagwell

Maya Mortuary Spaces as Cosmological Metaphors
Pamela L. Geller

Part II: Intrasite Spatial Analysis

The Behavioural Ecology of Early Pleistocene Hominids in the Koobi For a Region, East Turkana Basin, Northern Kenya
S.M. Cahel and J.W.K. Harris

Spatial Models of Intrasettlement Spatial Organization in the EIA of Southern Africa: A View from Ndondondwane on the Central Cattle Pattern
Haskel Greenfield and Len O. van Schalkwyk

The Intrasettlement Spatial Structure of Early Neolithic Settlement in Temperate Southeastern Europe: A View from Blagotin, Serbia
Hasken Greenfield and Tina Jongsma

Part III: Architectural Complexes

The Inhabitation of Rio Viejo’s Acropolis
Arthur A. Joyce

Who put the "Haram" in the Mahram Bilquis?
William D. Glanzman

The Form, Style, and Function of Structure 12A, Minanha, Belize
Jeffrey Seibert

Messages in Stone: Constructing Sociopolitical Inequality in Late Bronze Age Cyprus
Kevin D. Fisher

Individual, Household and Community Space in Early Bronze Age Western Anatolia and the Nearby Islands
Carolyn Aslan

Part IV: Urban Spaces and Cityspace

Body, Boundaries, and "Lived" Urban Space: A Research Model for the Eighth-Century City at Copan, Honduras
Allan L. Maca

The Symbolic Space of the Ancient Maya Sweatbath
Mark B. Child

Space, Place, and the Rise of "Urbanism" in the Canadian Arctic
Peter C. Dawson

Architectural Variability in the Maya Lowlands of the Late Classic Period: A Recent Perspective on the Ancient Maya Cultural Diversity
Martin Lominy

Maya Readings of Settlement Spaces
Denise Fay Brown

Spatial Alignments in Maya Architecture
Annegrete Hohmann-Vogrin

Archaeological Approaches to Ancient Maya Geopolitical Borders
Gyles Iannone

Part V: Landscapes and Natural Environment

Reconstructing Ritual: Some Thoughts on the Location of Petroglyph Groups in the Nasca Valley, Peru
Ana Nieves

"What You See is Where You are": An Examination of Native North American Place Names
Christine Schreyer

Burials and Landscapes of Gournia, Crete, in the Bronze Age
Georgios Vavouranakis

The Origins of Transhumanist Pastoralism in Temperate Southeast Europe
Elizabeth R. Arnold and Haskel J. Greenfield

Clovis Progenitors: From Swan Point, Alazka to Anzick Site, Montana in Less than a Decade?
C. Vance Haynes, Jr

Impacts of Imperialism: Nabataean, Roman, and Byzantine Landscapes in the Wadi Faynan, Southern Jordan
Graeme Barker, Patrick Daley, and Paul Newson

Part VI: The Archaeology of Transportation

Comparing Landscapes of Transportation: Riverine-Oriented and Land-Oriented Systems in the Indus Civilization of the Mughal Empire
Heather M-L Miller

The Life and Times of a British Logging Road in Belize
Olivia Ng and Paul R. Cackler

Moving Mountains: The Trade and Transport of Rocks and Minerals within the Greater Indus Valley Region
Randall Law

Hidden Passage: Graeco-Roman Roads in Egypt’s Eastern Desert
Jennifer E. Gates

Boats, Bitumen , and Bartering: The Use of a Utilitarian Good to Track Movement and Transport in Ancient Exchange Systems
Mark Schwartz and David Hollander

Part VII: Textual and Iconographic Approaches

Weaving Space: Textile Imagery and Landscape in the Mixtec Codices
Sharisse D. McCafferty and Geoffrey G. McCafferty

Engendering Roman Spaces
Penelope M. Allison

A Star of Naranjo: The Celestial Presence of God L
Michele Mae Bernatz

Performing Coatepec: The Raising of the Banners Festival Among the Mexica
Rex Koontz

Part VIII: Framework for the Future

Archaeology and the New World Order: What We Can Offer the Planet
Carole L. Crumley


Most researchers will find worthwhile information, interesting ideas, and relevant case studies in this edited volume.

—Stacie M. King, Journal of Anthropological Research